Daniel D. Lewis
College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida,
About Me
Professor Emeritus, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Formerly: University of Florida:
- Professor Small Animal Surgery
- Jerry and Lola Collins Eminent Scholar in Canine Sports Medicine and Comparative Orthopedics
- Service Chief, Small Animal Surgery
1979: BS, Zoology (highest honors), College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of California, Davis, CA
1983: DVM, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, CA
Professional Experience:
- 1983-84: Intern, Companion Animal Surgery and Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
- 1984-87: Resident, Small Animal Surgery, Department of Surgical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- 1987: Locum, Relief Surgeon, Sun Coast Referral Surgical Service, Seminole, FL
- 1987-1988: Surgical Registrar, University of Sydney Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
- 1988-1993: Assistant Professor Small Animal Surgery, Associate Professor Small Animal Surgery (1993), School of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA
- 1992: Visiting Scholar, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
- 1993-present: Associate Professor/Professor (1999), Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- 1998: Visiting Scholar, Department of Veterinary Surgery, University College Dublin, Ballsbridge, Dublin, Ireland
- 2000: Visiting Clinician, University of Prince Edward Island, Department of Small Animal Medicine and Surgery Atlantic Veterinary College, Charlottetown, PEI, Canada
- 2008-present: Adjunctive Professor, Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation, College of Medicine,University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- 2016: Locum, Relief Surgeon, Blue Pearl Specialty and Emergency Pet Hospital, Lawrenceville, GA
Clinical and Research Focus:
- Small animal orthopedic surgery, minimally invasive orthopedic surgery, orthopedic rehabilitation
Veterinary Licensure:
California (1983-1994)
Florida (1984-present)
Professional Affiliations:
- 1979-1983 Student Chapter of the American Veterinary Medical Association
- 1983-1986 California Veterinary Medical Association
- 1983-present American Animal Hospital Association
- 1983-present American Veterinary Medical Association
- 1985-present Veterinary Orthopedic Society
- 1991-present American College of Veterinary Surgeons
- 1994-present Florida Veterinary Medical Association
- 1995-present Alachua County Veterinary Medical Association
- 1998-present American Association of Veterinary Clinicians
- 2016-present AOVET North America
Professional Organization Service
- 1994-1997 Veterinary Orthopedic Society Board of Directors
- 2002-2003 President Veterinary Orthopedic Society
Awards and Honors
- 1999 Florida Association of Kennel Clubs Clinical Investigator Award
- 2001 University of Florida Faculty Superior Achievement Award
- 2002 University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine Clinical Investigator Award
- 2002 Florida Veterinary Medical Association, Clinical Investigator Award
- 2004 University of Florida Carl Norden-Pfizer Distinguished Teacher Award
- 2007 University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine Class of 2007 Teacher of the Year Award
- 2012 World Small Animal Veterinary Medical Association - Hill’s Pet Mobility Award
- 2022 University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine Distinguished Service Award
- 2024 Honorary Fellow Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists
- 2024 Steven F Fox Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient, Veterinary Orthopedic Society
- 2024 UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine Distinguished Alumni Award
Refereed Publications (recent):
De Armond CC, LEWIS DD, Townsend S. Use of pre-operative 3D virtual planning and 3D-printed patient specific guides to facilitate a single-stage cranial closing wedge ostectomy and tibial plateau leveling osteotomy procedure to address proximal tibial deformity and an excessive tibial plateau angle with resultant cranial cruciate ligament insufficiency in a dog. Case Rep Vet Med Article ID 3368794: e1-e12, 2023;
Crowdis K, LEWIS DD. "Comparison of exposure of the radius afforded by the craniomedial and craniolateral open surgical approaches in dog cadavers". J S Afr Vet Assoc 95(1): 43-48, 2024;
https://doi.org/10.36303/JSAVA.586 .
Carvajal JL, Timko S, Kim SE, LEWIS DD, Lee HB. Femoral stem placement for total hip arthroplasty using three-dimensional custom surgical guides in dogs. (accepted) Vet Compar Ortho Traumatol Open 7(1): e80- e86, 2024.
Segar CB, Johnson MD, Wilson L, LEWIS DD. Pantarsal arthrodesis stabilized with circular external skeletal fixators in 8 dogs (2010-2022). J Am Vet Med Assoc 262(10): 1405-1411, 2024;
[DOI] 10.2460/javma.24.03.0183. [PMID] 38810670
Scheuermann LM, LEWIS DD, Johnson MD, Biedrzycki AH, Kim SE. Efficacy of virtual surgical planning and three-dimensionally-printed, patient-specific reduction system to facilitate alignment of diaphyseal tibial fractures stabilized via minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis in dogs: a prospective study. Vet Surg 53(6): 1039-1051, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1111/vsu.14118
Scheuermann LM, LEWIS DD, Johnson MD, Biedrzycki AH, Kim SE. Virtual surgical planning and use of a 3D-printed, patient-specific reduction system for minimally invasive plate osteosynthesis of diaphyseal tibial fractures in dogs: a historic case matched controlled study. Vet Surg 53(6): 1052-1061, 2024.
Kim H, Lee H, LEWIS DD, Jeong J, Kim G, Jeon Y. Reconstruction of the Quadriceps Extensor Mechanism with a Calcaneal Tendon–Bone Allograft in a Dog with a Resorbed Tibial Tuberosity Fracture. Animals 14(16): 2315,
2024. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani14162315
Books Edited:
LEWIS DD, Parker RB, Bloomberg MS (eds). Self-Assessment Colour Review of Small Animal Orthopedics, Manson Publishing Ltd., London, England, 1998.
LEWIS DD, Langley-Hobbs SJ (eds). Self-Assessment Color Review of Small Animal Orthopedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2 nd Ed. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2015.